Saturday, January 1, 2011

Looking forward to 2011

The New Year looks to bring new adventure as we prepare Cape St. James for the journey North. This excerpt from a local hunting magazine was talking about flying in Alaska, but it also applies to sailing.

"The key to long term survivability is to get your mind off the schedule driven time clock we all live in. Today people live by their wrist watch and appointment calendar. In the bush, they die by them. The “I’ve got to get home now” syndrome has killed more passengers’ and pilots than all mechanical malfunctions combined.

The first step in preparations begins before you leave. Make sure the people at home-and work understand you are susceptible to delays beyond your control. Better to miss a business meeting than both the meeting and the rest of your live." Commercial pilot with 20 years on floats, skies and tundra tires. By Michael Lunenschloss
Peterson’s Hunting Magazine

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