Our billing info is:
James Hartman
2220 Chestnut Street
Everett, WA 98201
I can take this email as a sign to proceed. What is the billing information for you?
Jonathan Worf Vice President of Operations
Phone:253-627-5448 Direct:253-254-0037 Email:jonathan.worf@robblees.com
5424 South Tacoma Way Tacoma, WA 98409
From: hartmandesign@aol.com <hartmandesign@aol.com>
Sent: Friday, March 21, 2025 12:43 PM
To: Jonathan Worf <jonathan.worf@robblees.com>; Scott Payseno <Scott@CressyDoor.com>
Cc: Taylor <Taylor@CressyDoor.com>
Subject: Re: Installation of doors at 806 S Yakima
Yes. Hardware looks fine. How do I sign? Print, sign
and mail USPS, or ?
On Friday, March 21, 2025, 11:21 AM, Jonathan Worf <jonathan.worf@robblees.com> wrote:
Sorry, not Scott,
Jim, did you see the email?
Jonathan Worf
Vice President of Operations
Robblee's Total Security
From: Jonathan Worf <jonathan.worf@robblees.com>
Sent: Friday, March 21, 2025 12:21:00 PM
To: hartmandesign@aol.com <hartmandesign@aol.com>; Scott Payseno <Scott@CressyDoor.com>
Cc: Taylor <Taylor@CressyDoor.com>
Subject: Re: Installation of doors at 806 S Yakima
Scott, did you see my email the other day regarding the hardware quote?
Jonathan Worf
Vice President of Operations
Robblee's Total Security
From: hartmandesign@aol.com <hartmandesign@aol.com>
Sent: Friday, March 21, 2025 12:20:00 PM
To: Scott Payseno <Scott@CressyDoor.com>
Cc: Taylor <Taylor@CressyDoor.com>; Jonathan Worf <jonathan.worf@robblees.com>
Subject: Re: Installation of doors at 806 S Yakima
Thank you.
On Thursday, March 20, 2025, 6:36 AM, Scott Payseno <Scott@CressyDoor.com> wrote:
Hi All,
Apparently the site contact will not be there to let us in on March 25th. I'll give her a call shortly to see what date we can use. I'll see if I can get her email and we can get a new date set.
Thanks all.
Scott Payseno
Cressy Door Co.
cell 206-730-5236
direct 253-867-2127
office 253-887-9135
fax 253-887-9108
22625 83rd Ave S
Kent, WA 98032
Please send Deposits to:
Cressy Door Company
PO Box 1329
Kent, WA 98035
-----Original Message-----
From: hartmandesign@aol.com <hartmandesign@aol.com>
Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2025 4:07 PM
To: Scott Payseno <Scott@CressyDoor.com>
Subject: Installation of doors at 806 S Yakima
****WARNING: This email originated from outside of Cressy Door & Fireplace email system. Assume it could be malicious and use caution.****
Hi Scott
We were just informed that our on site manager, Samantha Holman, will not be on site to give your guys access to our building at 806 S Yakima in Tacoma on March 25. Can you coordinate things with her for an alternate date? (Since you are installing new doors I am not sure you need her to be there; but even so we need to let our tenants know ahead of time about the work to be done) Samantha's cell is 253-229-0978.
Sorry about all this.
Please let me know what you guys work out for a new date.
Jim Hartman